Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Week 9 Reading Diary: British North America

British North America

Creation of the Earth

I already know that Native American culture uses spirits to animate nearly everything they refer to. I think that's incredible. This story is no different, I love how spirit-less entities suddenly have this awesome personality within Native American tales. This creation story was definitely my favorite of the unit.

Raven and Moon Woman

I've never actually heard of the sun being created from the moon. I've always heard of the dependency of the moon on the sun, especially for its light. That's really cool that Native Americans see it differently.

Grizzly Bear and Coyote

Haha I couldn't help but think of Russia the whole time it was being the annoying Grizzly Bear...don't tell Putin I said that. Coyotes are usually the bad guys in tales, but I guess they mean something different to Native Americans. It would make sense because they live on the land with them and go after similar prey...maybe they worked together.

Turtle and Thunder

I freaking love these stories. Turtles are my favorite reptiles in the world. That's such a good story of how turtles hide in the water when a thunder storm comes. Native American stories are literally the best thing ever.

Coyote and the Salmon

Hahaha aww! Poor coyote! He wasn't trying cause harm, he just wanted food and a party! Fish get eaten. That's life. Coyote is still a good guy to me! He was badly tricked though, almost starving to death. Those fish deserve to be eaten. I do wonder what phenomena this story is trying to explain though.

Wolverine and the Geese

Lol this one is so silly. It shows how the Native Americans interact with nature. That's awesome, they flowed so well with the story, it didn't make the plot skip a beat to have them there. Wolverines are really bad I guess. I loved that it described why a Loon has red eyes and why Mocking Jays talk so much!

Coyote and Fox 

Ohmahgaw. So much detail for such a simple and random story! This one had to have been for entertainment as well as an explanation of phenomena. Which in this case was the silver in a black fox's coat. Poor coyote again though...

Wolverine and Rock

I don't understand this one, either. I am not that informed on strange phenomena other than the basic stuff! Wolverines have coats so this doesn't explain anything, but Rock is stubborn. As all rocks tend to be. This story could have been describing that?

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