Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Essay Week 2: Visions of Women
Visions of Women
Today's society has a very harsh view of women: How fat are
we? How skinny? How tall, how short, how curvy, how straight? What shoes should
we wear with what outfit? Should we be in the workforce and the kitchen
simultaneously? How much makeup should we wear? There are so many normative
questions and stereotypes attached to every woman in society and we see these
requirements constantly on TV commercials, magazines, and with celebrities.
There is no escaping it. Women are held to stereotypes with little to no
leniency. Reading Apuleius's Cupid and Psyche this week showed me that these
stereotypes were even attributed to women in the 2nd century. Realizing this
also gives me little hope for change in current times for how women are held
simply as visionaries.
For starters, Venus was the embodiment of a stereotypical
woman on her period. She had so much rage and anger and hostility, the
stereotype of a woman's wrath being over dramatic and slightly silly was
blatantly evident in this Classic Greek story. Venus was also held to a
standard of beauty; no one would worship her if she were ugly. This adds on to
my fact that women are typically expected to be seen and not so much heard. I
do give kudos to Venus for making herself heard, that woman was a force to be reckoned
with and no one was going to stop her.
Moving on to Psyche. Even though Psyche was unorthodoxly a
main character in the story, she still was not the brightest bulb in the pack.
She actually was pretty dumb. She did not need to look at her husband's face;
he told her so many times not to. And the ramifications of doing so were
horrible! She was so inept to risk that! Then the second huge mistake Psyche
made of looking in the jar of beauty which she also was told not to do, so
dumb. Psyche did not seem to be smart or have a mind of her own, but she
definitely had the looks. This goes along with the ideal of women being trophy
wives yet again; no brains required. Psyche was so submissive the entire time
with everyone, always doing what she was told unless huge consequences loomed
over her. One other thing, Psyche couldn't go to heaven without Cupid's hand in
marriage. This implies that women cannot be spiritually whole without a man.
Psyche never once stood up for herself. The vision of women portrayed here is
very offensive.
Finally, the manipulative and horribly vengeful acts of
Psyche’s two sisters are a bad light for women, too. The actions of revenge to
the death to their little sister were atrocious! That shows that women will do
anything to get themselves up in the world, no matter who they have to step on.
This whole story was just overall bad publicity for women.
The roots of women being simply a thing to see in society
and not heard are very deeply anchored in history. Granted, things have improved
for females as time has gone on, there are still so many negative stereotypes
against us, it is appalling! I'm not usually a feminist by any means in my
mind, it just is shocking sometimes to see how differently men are viewed from
women today. I couldn't help but pick up on this reoccurring trend throughout
this story!
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(So original, I know. "Girl Power! Sisters Before Misters!" [Pitch Perfect quote] Source: Wikipedia) |
Storytelling for Week 2: Ode to Educators
Ode to Educators
On the planned-to-be most enjoyable day of her life,
A young teacher ran into intense strife.
For you see, there existed a troop of parents,
Who coveted the knowledge from scholars of merits.
In their thirst, these parents happened upon their
children's' future teacher
And captured her from behind the bleachers.
Their intentions, surprisingly, were not to inflict pain,
But rather to make a knowledgeable gain.
So with the skunk and the veteran professor she stayed
And to dampen the woman's grief, the elder, a story she
There once lived a young elementary instructor with her two
And because of their beauty and brains, the three friends
always had dates.
Their beauty was evident throughout the land,
But the young teacher's vast knowledge gave her the upper
The name bestowed upon her, Holly, was foreign to no one,
Yet however equivalent to the school principal's brains, her
suitors were next to none.
Eventually, after young Holly's roommates had both been
Holly's reaction to their relationships became quite
Holly decided that she needed to request the help of her
For she wouldn't dare ask advice on this level from another.
Her mother foretold of a horrible thing,
A fate so vile, that Holly let out a scream!
Holly was to go on a blind date,
This sounded anything but great.
Her mother went on to say that this date would be horrible,
And the couple would be anything but adorable.
Holly scooped herself courageously up off the floor,
Showered, gussied up, and strutted out the door.
Holy encountered a very odd situation, once seated at the
date's venue;
A man sat down across from her, shielding his face with a
She thought it strange for the man, Ben, to not reveal his
But the charm and charisma he exhumed extinguished the concern
of the teacher.
Ben was wealthy and they continued to go on dates,
So many actually, that Holly forgot about her roommates.
Holly's roommates were growing jealous of their friend's
amazing brain,
And decided that they would find a way to throw Holly and
the man's relationship down the drain.
The man had told Holly to never ponder about how he looked,
Holly was okay with this because she was hooked.
This being the case,
The roommates needed to act with haste.
The two girls finally convinced Holly that she needed to
ditch the man
And return to the school before her children hit the fan!
Holly was convinced by her scheming friends
That she needed to see his face before the dates end!
Holly decided that she would knock the menu out of her
crush's hand,
And when the menu hit the floor, his face she would scan.
Holly put her scheme into effect
When she hit the menu away, she was stunned at the affect.
The Ben she was looking at and loved a lot
Was the right hand man of the principal who thought her a
The man, in saddened furry,
Got up and ran away in a hurry.
He had told her not to peek,
And now until things changed, his face she would seek.
Holly now knew that the principal would be out to get her.
The principal had a jealousy for Holly's smarts, for sure.
Everyone would always focus on her knowledgeable words
And act as if the principal was a passing bird.
Holly asked for help from many,
But the persons she sought aide from denied her plenty.
Finally, Holly went to the principal's office
To face the woman whose voice would snap at her like a
Once her fate was in the hands of the principal,
Holly hoped to regain the love of the woman's disciple.
Three tasks the principal assigned to the teacher,
The intensity of these tasks required prayer from a preacher.
With a lot of help from good Samaritans,
Holly was able to escape from her depression.
By overcoming the three tasks in a timely manner,
Holly and Ben were married and she moved into his manor!
The two love birds lived the rest of their lives together,
They had a precious baby and loved through whatever weather.
Once her fate was in the hands of the principal,
Holly hoped to regain the love of the woman's disciple.
Three tasks the principal assigned to the teacher,
The intensity of these tasks required prayer from a preacher.
With a lot of help from good Samaritans,
Holly was able to escape from her depression.
By overcoming the three tasks in a timely manner,
Holly and Ben were married and she moved into his manor!
The two love birds lived the rest of their lives together,
They had a precious baby and loved through whatever weather.
The old veteran concluded her story,
Just in time to see the young teacher's faded worry.
Refreshed by this fable,
Holly was suddenly able,
To escape the troop of parents nearby,
She snuck and creeped away like a fly!
The parents never caught her
And you wouldn't believe what that year taught her!
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(Psyche and Cupid embracing, from the original story. Source: Wikipedia) |
Author's Note: This poem is written after ideas from Apuleius's Cupid and Psyche. I really enjoy
rhyming things and making words flow together, it makes me feel very creative!
The original story by Apuleius is obviously longer than this, but I made sure
to get the main sections in! I wanted to show how romantic this story truly is
by writing a poem because poems are freaking awesome.
Bibliography: Apuleius's Cupid and Psyche were written, I do
believe, during the 2nd century.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Week 2 Reading Diary: Cupid and Psyche Unit
Cupid and Psyche Unit: Main Page
The Captive Woman
Oh wow. That is not how I expected the story to go! The thieves kidnapped the young girl, but with no intention of harming her, they just want money. That is weird to me because in a lot of other stories, there is always malicious intent. Also, the old woman's response to the agony of the young girl's fresh grief was rude! She threatened to kill her after attempting to console her! Counterproductive and counterintuitive.Her Dream
That was awesome! I could literally see the room that the young girl was getting ready to be married in. The details of the event and decorations and the description of the young couple's love was wonderful. I'm glad the old lady changed her attitude after hearing the girl's dream!Psyche's Beauty and the Anger of Venus
Why didn't Psyche deny the praise of the people? She knows that she isn't Venus incarnated, and so does Venus! If I were Psyche, I would stop the worshiping immediately. Beauty harbors vanity though, I suppose. Venus is on a rampage now, Psyche better enjoy her few remaining seconds in the spotlight! I like this passage a lot!The Oracle of Apollo
This is such a horrible fate! Poor Psyche...I understand her a little better now, poor girl. This is an odd twist in the story! Marrying a suitor whose offspring will destroy the world. I did not see that coming!High on a mountain crag, decked in her finery,
Lead your daughter, King, to her fatal marriage.
And hope for no child of hers born of a mortal,
But a cruel and savage, serpent-like winged evil,
Flying through the heavens and threatening all,
Menacing ever soul on earth with fire and sword,
Till Jove himself trembles, the gods are terrified,
And rivers quake and the Stygian shades beside.
The Mysterious Husband
Why won't he let her see him? That's sketchy. He does love her though because he's letting her do whatever she wants! She has him wrapped around her finger and she is using it to her advantage! But she does need to see her sisters, they're blood! There's a sister bond that can't be broken!The Jealousy of Psyche's Sisters
OH my goodness. These sisters are wicked and driven by greed! They didn't remain joyous at the sight of their sister being alive still for very long! They both turned a harsh shade of green. Poor Psyche. She just keeps getting rained on!Psyche's Husband Revealed
OH MY GOSH! I actually didn't see this coming. I forgot that Venus had wanted Cupid to get revenge! This is the climax of the story so far. Poor Psyche though...she's absolutely madly in love with him and he has to leave because of her actions.Venus and the Goddesses
Good grief! A mother should never say any of that to a child. Ever. Especially since he's done his mother a favor and hidden Psyche from the world. Everyone would gave upon her beauty but now that she's hidden away, Venus can regain her throne and Cupid can still live in love with his wife, Psyche.Venus and Mercury
Good grief why does Psyche have to die? And why is it so difficult to find her on earth? Psyche can't fly! I feel like Venus' powers aren't as powerful as she would like to believe.Venus and Psyche
Ah yay! Psyche caught a break! The little ants are helping her sort the food :) Maybe it'll even trick Venus into letting her go. Venus is oddly cruel for being the goddess of love. She's very extreme. My opinion of her has changed significantly. The next tasks are going to backfire on Venus. Tasks are a big deal in mythology, I'm noticing.The Jar of Beauty
Psyche. Seriously? Did she not learn the first time someone said to not look at something? Bad things happen when she disobeys. She's really not smart. I'm actually really irritated with Psyche currently. Don't look into the jar of beauty. End of story.The Wedding Feast
Aw! YAY! A happy wedding! I'm not used to happy ever afters with the mythology stories I've read. My heart is all warm and happy and hopeful :) It's so sweet! And Pleasure was born! Cupid finally found his love and Psyche overcame Apollo's Oracle.The Escape
The young bride escaped! She gets to have a happy ever after just like Psyche did :) I really truly loved this story so so much! It was truly sweet and romantic.Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Week 1: Introduction to Hannah!
All About Hannah!
Hello People! My name is Hannah Young and I am a New Orleans born, Dallas raised, International Studies major student at the University of Oklahoma! This is my very last semester here at OU, so I'll be graduating in December after three and a half years here. I have a mom and younger sister named Avery (she's 17 and we're very close) that live in Dallas and a dad that lives in Baltimore!![]() |
(Avery and I visiting Baltimore this past Spring Break! Selfie) |
(Football selfie with friends!) |
Speaking of teaching, this past summer I was a 7th grade Social Studies teacher in Austin, Texas for summer school and I absolutely loved it! It confirmed my career path for me. I am waiting to hear from Teach for America to see if I'll be teaching with them starting in June! Fingers crossed, I move to New Orleans or Austin for that. I live just by the Duck Pond here in Norman in a house with two roommates. I have two dogs (a mix of Chihuahua and Boston Terrier and a Maltese) named Vino and Barkley !
(My first class of students! I miss them all so much.) |
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(This is me cartwheeling across Europe! No lame posed pictures! Photo credits to Alissa Lindsey :]) |
Week 1- Hannah's Storybook Favorites!
Hannah's Storybook Favorites!
1. Flipped Scripts2. Nursery Rhymes Gone Wrong
3. The Prince Diaries
I looked through a lot of the Storybooks provided as examples from previous students, and I mean a lot. Every single one I looked at was awesome and unique, showing that each person has a creative mind similar to a finger print; not one is exactly alike. After selecting my three favorites, I noticed a pattern between my choices that show my finger print of a mind as well! My three favorites are Flipped Scripts, Nursery Rhymes Gone Wrong, and The Prince Diaries. These three all have one big thing in common: they're all opposite perspectives of the status quo! Stories from the vanquished, reality of nursery rhymes, and the view from two princes! I really enjoy viewing things from a perspective that no one ever pays attention to, I do it a ton for my International and Area Studies major. I learn so much more about the big picture and why people do things or how something happened if I see it from both sides of the story. For example, America portrays Iran as a horrible country with huge problems that we need to control, but in reality Iran is the most stable nation in the Middle East. I only learned this information by seeing it from the Iranian view! Everyone knows the original story from the point of view of heroes or heroines; happy nursery rhymes; The Princess Diaries, I want to know the other side of all stories! For Flipped Scripts, I really enjoyed how the dialogue was set up like a radio talk show, or television show, that was very original! The setting at the Styx River was also very fitting. For the Nursery Rhymes gone wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed the point of view coming from the perspective of Betty Blue and not the author of the Storybook, which was wonderful! It served as a reference point from a relevant source; I thought it was very cute. Last but not least, The Prince Diaries was hilarious. You never get to see their point of view! Just princesses. The perspective coming from someone who happened across their diaries made it have a secretive edge and that was very intriguing for me.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Week 1- Un-Textbook Choices!
Un-Textbook Choices!
1. Ancient Egyptian Myths and StoriesI think Egyptian culture and history is one of the most incredible cultures in the world.I really don't know much more about Egypt past politics, so it'd be awesome to hear a bit more culture!
2. Folklore of the Holy Land
My major of International Studies has a focus on the Middle East, so naturally I am drawn to all things Middle Eastern, especially with Islamic ties.
3. Jewish Fairy Tales
I literally do not know anything about the Jewish faith or practices, so this will be my get out of my comfort zone interest! I think it's intriguing.
4. Indian Fairy Tales
Since I live in Oklahoma and Native American history and culture is everywhere here, I really want and I need to know more about it! Also my new roommate is 100% Cherokee so Native American culture is all around me!
Week 1- Storytelling by Hannah: The Band-Wagoners and the Fan
The Band-Wagoners and the Fan
After the Saints vs. Panthers
playoff game where the Saints lost their chance to go to the Super bowl, a group
of friends who formerly claimed to be Saints fanatics were degrading and
condemning the team of Cajun decent with great contempt.
“What a team of horribly
disappointing players,” one of them blurted as he took off his Saints foam
finger and threw it to the ground.
“Yeah, Brees didn’t even take his
head out of the ground long enough to throw the ball farther than his nose,” another
so rudely declared, throwing his hands in the air.
“I knew I should have been a
Panther’s fan from the start. I’m getting rid of all my black and gold clothes
as soon as I can. Goodwill can deal with them now,” scoffed the third. The
conversation had been going on like this for quite a while and continued until
a devoted Panther fan happened to hear the derogatory dialogue. The committed fan
shook his head in disdain and decided he couldn't bite his tongue any longer.
He stopped to interrupt the obvious band-wagoners to say,
"If those Saints had turned
the odds in their favor and won that game, you all would be having a very
different conversation." The group turned to look at the fan with ashamed
faces and the fan continued with his hands placed firmly on his hips and a
scowl on his face, "That team deserves your praise no matter the outcome;
win or lose." The shame grew on the band-wagoners’ faces and they
attempted to defend themselves,
“Well we just-,“ but before they
could finish, the fan added,
“And the Panthers don’t need your
support, so don’t think of jumping wagons.”
The ease of which one can add insult to injury and chose the
better option is baffling.
Author's Note: The above story is based on a story from Aesop's Fables: The Dogs and the Fox. In this fable a fox finds a pack of dogs feasting on a lion's corpse. The fox tells the dogs that if the lion had not been dead, they would have had to face the ferocity of the lion and not have had a feast. The moral being that it is extremely easy to kick someone while they are already down.
Story: "The Dogs and the Fox" by Aesop, from Aesop's Fables (2006). Web Source: Aesop's Fables
Image: The Dogs and the Fox. Source: Fox and Dogs
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Week 1 - New Orleans, Venice, and Vichy: The Three Favorite Places of Me
Oh the Places You'll Go? No. Oh the Places I've Been!
Travel is one of life's many luxuries and I am fortunate enough to have had a taste of the world outside of my home soil.
New Orleans, Louisiana
I was raised in Dallas, TX but born in New Orleans, LA and that is where my heart planted its roots. My family is all from the New Orleans area and the Cajun spirit lives in me! We go back at least twice a year and my plan after I graduate is to high-tail it back there!![]() |
(Bourbon Street in the French Quarter of New Orleans Source: Wikipedia) |
Venice, Italy
Studying abroad last year was the best experience of my life. I studied in France, but I traveled a lot all over Europe and Venice, Italy was by far the most wonderful. The sounds and smells and people were incredible. The isolation from cars was so surreal and awe inspiring!(A picture of me in Venice, Italy! Photo credits to Debbie Young) |
Vichy, France
This was the center of my study abroad experience! My university was located here and I spent so much time making wonderful memories in this beautiful and historical city. I speak fluent French and took language intensive courses while studying there. Vichy is so different from Paris, that is why I love it, too. Paris was too busy. Vichy was just enough of an exciting place to keep me on my toes, but not overwhelmed!![]() |
(Ancient castle in Vichy, France Source: Wikipedia) |
And So It Begins.
5 new classes, 4 months to learn, 3 new roommates, 2 more weeks until kickoff, 1 final semester for me! Here's to the last half of my senior year! Hoping mythology will be a class to remember.
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